Alexandra Cosima Budabin studied art history, history, social thought and humanities at Harvard University and New York University. Her undergraduate thesis looked at Holocaust commemoration in Berlin and her Master’s thesis explored refugees through the lens of global citizenship. She held the Leon Milman Memorial Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC. She received her doctorate in Politics from the New School for Social Research in 2012. She is a Senior Researcher at the Human Rights Center of the University of Dayton, has been research assistant (AR, unibz) for the Platform Cultural Heritage and Cultural Production from 2020 to 2023 and is now Senior Researcher at the Institute of Minority Rights at EURAC. Her research on gender security, human rights, humanitarianism and development has appeared in World Development, Perspectives on Politics, New Political Science, Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of Human Rights, Humanity, and Third World Quarterly. Her first book Batman Saves the Congo: How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development with Lisa A. Richey was published in 2021 with University of Minnesota Press.
Daniela Salvucci has been a research collaborator of the Platform from march 2019 until march 2020.